New Mini Class – Client Roadmap Deep Dive

3-part mini class: Deep Dive into the Client Roadmap Process. Taught by Karl Palachuk.
Members Check it out here in the “Classes” area.
Includes a download of the all new, revised Technology Roadmap Questionnaire. This is the fundamental tool we’ve used to managed ongoing client relationships for almost twenty-five years. Totally revised for 2019 by Karl W. Palachuk.
This mini-class is three one-hour weekly sessions. We cover the questionnaire in detail. But more importantly, we cover how you use the roadmap process to get clients to agree to the meeting, what happens in the meeting, and why it is central to your ongoing success.
Live classes are 9AM Pacific
- November 14th
- November 21st
- November 28th, 2018
This class is FREE to members of the Small Biz Thought Community. Non-members pay only $99 – still a good deal! Community members should look in the “Classes” section for a code that will get you in for FREE.
Non-Members can buy at SMB Books: Visit SMB Books
- ZIP file – Slides, Revised Questionnaire, White Paper
- Recording Week One (mp4)
- Recording Week Two (mp4)
- Recording Week Three (mp4)