Mini Class: Social Media Super Charge – starts November 7th
Automate your social media marketing. Presented by Karl Palachuk.
I create about 125,000 social media touch points every month. How is that possible? I’ll show you exactly what I do. Join us live!
There are three pieces to a successful scheduling and automation process. I’ll show you what they are, how you automate these processes, what they cost, and more. Plus we’ll answer all of your questions.
And, of course, you need to have someone echo all the social media posts again and again. That requires a human (administrative assistant) and another tool.In this three-week mini class, I’ll show you the strategy, the exact tools I use, and the processes and procedures that make this a LOT easier than it looks like.
Join us live
- November 7, 14, and 21
- 8:00 AM Pacific / 11:00 AM Eastern
- Each class is 30-60 minutes, depending on questions and other interaction
NOTE: Three week mini class are now exclusive to Small Biz Thoughts Community members. Members can attend for free. No one else has access to these classes at any price.
Special Offer:
Members – attend free
Non-members pay only $999 – and receive one year of membership at no additional cost!