Available to Members Only: The Small Biz Quickstart Workbook
Brand New Book! – Available to the Public May 1st.
Small Biz Quickstart Workbook
The Ultimate Guide for First-Time Entrepreneurs
by Karl W. Palachuk
Karl has worked with thousands of business owners and managers – and helped several of them make the move to self-employment. With this workbook, Karl will help you make the launch as well. This workbook is guaranteed to help you learn about what it takes to start and run your new business.
So, You Want to be Self-Employed…
Congratulations on taking the plunge! As scary as it seems right now, starting your own business will be one of the highlights of your life. This workbook will remove the “scary” part of your decision. How? It will give you information, direction, and inspiration you need to move ahead without (much) fear.
Maybe you have a long-held dream of starting your genius business. Maybe you’re trying to turn your “gig” into a business. Or maybe your boss has decided to downsize and you don’t fit anymore. No matter why you’re starting your business, you’ll be a lot more successful if you take it seriously from the start. Everyone wants to quit their job sometime. But when you want to quit your job all the time, then you don’t have any choice.
This workbook is divided into three sets of tasks: Planning (before you leave your job); The Launch; and the First Year. There are 30-40 items you need to tackle at each stage. Thinking and planning about all these details will help you move quickly from a business idea to a profitable first year.
Official Release Date: May 1, 2020