Perfect Profitable Projects – Audio program with Karl W. Palachuk and Matt Makowicz
Originally Two audio CDs – now delivered as MP3 files with supplemental materials. Includes all the PowerPoint slides, plus additional handouts. Delivered electronically as MP3s. Delivered instantly on checkout.
Program One: Running Perfect Profitable Projects
Program Two: Selling Perfect Profitable Projects
Growing your business is fun — but it’s also difficult. One of the biggest challenges is maintaining profitability. That’s particularly true with projects. One- and Two-person shops have enough challenges with projects. As you grow, you have three more:
– First, the sales people have to be in sync with the tech team. You need to make sure you’re selling the right services and the right projects. That means you need a sales process. We’ll show you how to get started.
– Second, your sales people need to manage the project hand-off to the tech team. All the promises need to be written down, measured, and delivered. Once again, a great process guarantees a perfect project!
– Third, tech team members need to be able to work together without creating rework or dropping anything. And again, you’re back to having the right process.
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