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Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community
Start working on your business
Training, Resources and Community for IT Service Providers.
If you read Managed Services in a Month and it made a difference in your business, you need to be looking to join the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community. And, if it’s not the first community to join, it should be the second.

Subscribing to the annual subscription is like having Karl 365 days vs. a one day seminar. Using his techniques and advice, I put together a few packages and have migrated many customers from a-la-cart to packaged services and shifted my company to a recurring revenue machine.

In my opinion, all MSPs should be members. Karl is a genius and stands out from ALL MSP advisors I've followed or met. I don't say this lightly. Also, about the Community, it's the other major benefit of SBT. It feels personal and I strive to attend meetings as often as I can.

Karl has built a community of awesome professionals and a plethora of trainings, seminars, books, audiobooks, online community, and more to help our IT business grow and flourish.

I love the way Karl and his team are always very responsive. They have been even willing to meet with me on a 1 on 1 basis to help clear up any some of my challenges and concerns I am experiencing within my business.

Just because you're in business for yourself
doesn't mean you have to go it alone
Find your perfect fit
$ 1299/year
Perfect for one-person or small-team ITSPs looking to jump-start their business and want to save 20% over the split pay option.
$129/month for 12 months +
Perfect for one-person or small-team ITSPs looking to jump-start their business and need a cash-flow-friendly option.
$ 3599/year
Perfect for teams wanting easy, inclusive access to all resources, events, and training, and more. Up to 10 seats included.