It’s HERE! The Absolutely Unbreakable Rules of Service Delivery

Woo Hoo !!!
It’s here at last – for Community Members only.
At long last, my newest book is done. Well, 99% done, anyway. It’s off to the typesetter. Then it needs to be proofread again. But my proofreaders have been super fast. So I really believe the final edition will be out – and in print – by the end of July.
But YOU can get the 99% version now as a member of the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community!
Why These Rules?
These rules will help you align your personal and professional goals while creating “standard operating procedures” to automate successful habits. Notice that “The customer is always right” is not on the list. Why? Because everyone knows that’s not true. Customers are frequently wrong, or would make bad decisions if we didn’t help them to make good decisions.
I don’t waste your time giving lip service to worn out platitudes. Instead, this book is focused on building a great, successful business in the 21st Century. And since the rules are absolutely unbreakable, they will stand the test of time and the changing business environment.