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New Resource: Anatomy of a Plan (John Armato)

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A one-page takeaway from John’s Anatomy of a Plan presentation

This resource comes as a result of the roundtable discussion on Creativity and Finding your Authentic Voice with John Armato (August 2020)

John Armato is a creative thinker, insightful facilitator and trusted advisor whose career has spanned three decades and more than 200 clients across all sectors. Armato joined FleishmanHillard in his hometown of Kansas City then moved to New York as co-chair of the firm’s global Brand Marketing practice. He led the development of five “Marketplace Mandates,” which have been featured by the American Brands Council and Forbes. Now based in Sacramento, Armato focuses on message development and organizational narratives, media training and presentation coaching, and insights and ideas sessions. He is a “go-to” writer for unique or demanding projects as well as a popular professional development and keynote speaker.
– From

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